

図書館で ビブリオバトル を開催します!

    第6回学長杯 ビブリオバトル
    日時 2024年12月4日(水)17時(~最大18時30分まで)
    場所 御殿山キャンパス・グローバルタウン
        図書館1F プレゼンテーションルーム1

  ●対象者 在学生(中宮の方も御殿山の方も、参加可能です!)
       ※ 学業優先なので、開催時間帯に、授業の無い方が対象です。


  副賞として 図書カード5,000円分 を進呈します。



● About Biblio battle

Biblio Battle is a book presentation contest where participants have 5 minutes to give an ad-lib presentation of their favorite book / novel and 2-3 minutes for Q&A.


 The presenter who wins with the elected “Champion Book”* will receive a “Tosho Book Card”** with a 5,000 yen value.


* The “Champion Book” is the book that gets the majority of votes after the whole round of presentations is over.

** A “Tosho Book Card” is a prepaid shopping card that can be used to purchase book or magazines at a bookstore or online.


Non-presenters are also welcome to attend, and everyone will receive a small gift.


● When and where?
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024.

5:00 pm (until about 6:30 pm)
Gotenyama campus Global Town Library (1F : Presentation room 1)


● Who can present?
Undergraduate and graduate students from Nakamiya and Gotenyama campuses.
IMPORTANT: priority should be given to your classes. Please attend only if you do not have classes at the time.


Click here for more information