

National Diet Library

Category Books
Location (on/off campus) On campus
Off campus
Concurrent access -
Content to be searched

NDL Search allows you to search for materials and digital materials held by the National Diet Library,
You can request for browsing or copying, and use a variety of other services.
You can also search for materials held by libraries in Japan with which has data linked.


The Japan Times Archives

Category Newspapers
Location (on/off campus) On campus
Concurrent access 1
Content to be searched

The oldest English-language newspaper in Japan. 
*New content is added every year.

These archives are useful for following research:

  • East Asia Geopolitics
  • History
  • Politics/History of Japan
  • Japanology
  • Military History
  • Media History/Journalism
  • Newspapers Research


Category International Journals
Location (on/off campus) On campus
Concurrent access -
Content to be searched

The following two journals are accessible.


Taylor & Francis

Category International Journals
Location (on/off campus) On campus
Concurrent access -
Content to be searched

The following three journals are accessible.


MIT Press Journal

Category International Journals
Location (on/off campus) On campus
Concurrent access -
Content to be searched

The following journal is accessible.